Lunes, Marso 30, 2020

Republic of the Philippines 
Office of the President
Series of 2020
Relative to FDCP Advisory No. 01 on the activation of the FDCP DISASTER/EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE AND RELIEF (DEAR) PROGRAM, a disaster-triggered funding mechanism of the Film Development Council of the Philippines that provides financial assistance to its stakeholders who are directly affected by a major natural disaster, the DEAR PRESS! PROGRAM (for displaced freelance entertainment press) is hereby activated with the following guidelines issued:
Under DEAR, the DEAR PRESS! PROGRAM (for displaced Freelance Entertainment Press) is hereby activated with the following guidelines issued:
  1. Definition of Disaster-affected Freelance Entertainment Press Workers. These are self-employed members of the press who were suddenly out of work as a direct result of the COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine and subsequent State of National Calamity, and does not work for a direct employer and are not eligible for government instituted benefits from other government agencies. 
  2. Coverage. The program covers disaster- affected freelancer members of the entertainment press included but not limited to editors, writers and reporters on a no-work no pay status, and those that are not formally affiliated with a company. Program coverage is the National Capital Region.
  3. Conditions. Any one of the following loss of work conditions must be satisfied by applying workers as a direct result of the COVID-19 situation: 
  1. The worker was scheduled to work, but were unable to reach the workplace.
  2. The worker was scheduled to start work but the job was cancelled or does not exist anymore.
  3. The worker developed an illness, sustained an injury, or became sick and thus, are unable to work.
  4. The worker’s employer/ producer has temporarily or permanently closed for business.
  5. The worker already started the work but the job was cancelled or postponed to a later date. 
  1. Qualifications. Freelance workers of the entertainment press intending to apply for the DEAR PRESS! Program must satisfy all of the following qualifications.
    1. The individual must have job/s that were cancelled or suspended as a direct result of the Covid-19 Pandemic.  March 15-April 14, 2020 is the duration of the Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon.
    2. The individual must not have unemployment insurance benefits from either his/her employer/ producer, or from any other government agencies (e.g. SSS, DOLE, DSWD, etc.).
    3. The individual must have written at least one (1) article about the PH showbiz and AV entertainment industry in the last three months that was published or reported in a news or media publication OR covered at least one FDCP press event last year.
  2. Benefit Payment. Approved beneficiaries of the DEAR PRESS! Program will receive a one-time cash financial assistance of Five Thousand Pesos (P 5, 000) tax free to cover expenses during the disaster period, like personal needs, medical expenses, housing and rent, and other essentials. The beneficiaries will be required to sign a Declaration and Agreement with FDCP agreeing and abiding to all the terms of the Program and certifying that all details of the application and documents submitted are factual and authentic.
  3. Application Process. Relative to the COVID-19 situation, applications may be submitted to FDCP from March 30 – April 30, 2020 or within 30 days of the activation of the DEAR PRESS! Program through this Advisory. Online submissions via email to with the subject [Application] DEAR PRESS! (Surname, Name) are preferable and hard copy applications are discouraged. However, drop boxes for DEAR PRESS! applications will still be available at the FDCP Office at 855 T.M. Kalaw Street, Ermita, Manila starting March 23, 2020.  
  4. Documentary Requirements. Freelance workers of the entertainment press who intend to apply are required to substantiate loss of work or self-employment or to substantiate work that was to begin on or after the declared date of the disaster. The following documents shall be submitted by each applicant:
    1. Completely filled up National Registry for Entertainment Press (NREP) Application Form
    2. Completely filled up DEAR PRESS! Application form.
    3. Any proof of income
      • Latest Income Tax Return (ITR)
      • payslips, vouchers
      • Copy of PRESS ID
    4. Certificate of Engagement/Employment from a news or media publication 
    5. Any one of the following:
      • Copy/Link of Latest Showbiz-related Articles written for a publication (January to March 2020)
      • Copy/Link of an FDCP-related article written/reported on (2019)
Downloadodable documents:
  1. National Registry for Entertainment Press (NREP) Application Form
  2. DEAR PRESS Application Form for FREELANCE Entertainment Press Workers
  3. Sample Certificate of Engagement for Press

If documentary proof cannot be provided at the time the claim is filed, applicants have twenty one (21) calendar days from the time of application to submit the complete documents. 
  1. Disbursement of Financial Support. The concerned FDCP personnel shall issue the financial support directly to the affected worker’s bank account or via available money remittance services at the soonest possible time upon the approval of the application.
  2. Effectivity. The DEAR PRESS! PROGRAM shall be effective on 30 March 2020 upon its publication. Applications will be open from March 30- April 30, 2020.
Attached as ANNEX A is the DEAR Fund Guidelines and as ANNEX B is the DEAR PRESS! Program Guidelines. 
For information and guidance.
The FDCP DISASTER/EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE AND RELIEF (DEAR) PROGRAM is a disaster-triggered funding mechanism of the Film Development Council of the Philippines that provides financial assistance to its stakeholders and is activated as a direct result of a major natural disaster. A major disaster means any typhoon, storm, flood, high water, wind-driven water or tidal wave, earthquake, drought, fire, public health emergency or other catastrophes as declared by the President that warrants government assistance to communities and individuals in the country. The DEAR Program is administered by the Film Development Council of the Philippines through the FDCP National Registry and is available to its duly registered members, subject to qualifications.
Based on the recommendation of the concerned Departments or Disaster Task Force, the President of the Philippines may declare a State of Calamity or equivalent and similar proclamations e.g. State of Public Health Emergency. The declaration identifies the major disaster which provides the full range of disaster assistance available under the law for the country. 
In special cases like these, FDCP can activate its emergency funds. Disaster-triggered support may be made available to provide assistance or aid to its stakeholders who do not qualify for assistance under other programs of frontline government agencies.
When a major disaster is declared by the President, programs under DEAR will be activated via an official advisory and will be generally available to its stakeholders registered under the FDCP National Registry affected by the disaster. 
In cases where funding is insufficient to serve all eligible stakeholders, FDCP may prioritize those in need of immediate aid. 
To file a claim, disaster-affected stakeholders may contact the Film Development Council of the Philippines National Registry. 
Applications must be filed by an individual within thirty (30) days of the announcement of the activation of the DEAR Program through an FDCP Advisory released online and through mass media channels.
Applicants must follow the instructions in the FDCP 
Advisory and file for an application based on the filing methods used by the Agency (i.e. in person, mail, or online). 
Applicants are required to provide documentation according to the requirements for the activated programs. 
A financial assistance (tax-free) will be made to disaster-affected stakeholders whose applications have been approved.
DEAR benefits are payable only for the dates that fall within the Disaster Assistance Period.
DEAR benefits are not payable to individuals who are entitled to or qualified for regular unemployment compensation, waiting period credit or benefits from SSS, DOLE, DSWD, their own employer, and similar agencies.
As the DEAR Program is a government fund and in the spirit of serving the community and stakeholders, the beneficiary must commit to rendering return service by participating in at least two (2) FDCP-led or supported event, activity or project serving in the capacity of their field. The service must be rendered for free within two (2) years upon the receipt of the assistance.  
Each approved beneficiary worker of DEAR must sign a Declaration and Agreement with FDCP, agreeing and abiding to all the terms of the Program and certifying that all details of the application and documents submitted are factual and authentic. 
For more information, please contact:
855 T.M. Kalaw St. Ermita, Manila
DEAR PRESS! PROGRAM (For Displaced Freelance Entertainment Press Workers)
The FDCP DEAR (Disaster Emergency Assistance and Relief) Program is a disaster-triggered funding mechanism of the Film Development Council of the Philippines that provides financial assistance to its stakeholders who are directly affected by a major natural disaster. This disaster fund is activated every time the President of the Philippines declares a public emergency or a State of Calamity in the country.
DEAR PRESS! PROGRAM (For displace freelance Entertainment Press Wokers) is a targeted program that provides final assistance to  disaster-affected freelance members of the entertainment press—-writers and reporters who who are directly affected by a declared major disaster and are not eligible for other government instituted benefits from frontline agencies (DOLE, DSWD, SSS, Etc.). 
A major disaster may be a typhoon, storm, flood, high water, wind-driven water or tidal wave, earthquake, drought, fire, public health emergency, or any other catastrophes as declared by the President of the Philippines.
Yes. DEAR PRESS! covers the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic that caused Enhanced Quarantine procedures and consequent declaration of the State of Calamity in the country that disrupted work, events, and activities in affected areas. 
Each displaced freelance entertainment press member who qualifies for the program will receive a one-time flat rate cash financial assistance of Five Thousand Pesos (P 5,000) tax free to cover their expenses during the disaster period, like personal needs, medical expenses, housing and rent, and other essential needs. Entertainment Press people who have been granted assistance will be requested for a Return Service commitment to FDCP for its programs and activities. 
DEAR PRESS! is available for freelance Entertainment Press workers who are members of the FDCP’s National Registry for Entertainment Press (NREP)who suddenly lost work as a direct result of a disaster. 
You are considered “suddenly unemployed or suddenly lost work” if because of the disaster, you experienced any of the following and can support your claim through documentary proof:
  1. You were scheduled to work but were unable to reach your workplace.
  2. You were scheduled to start work but the job was cancelled or does not exist anymore.
  3. You developed an illness, sustained an injury, or became sick and thus, are unable to work.
  4. Your employer/ producer has temporarily closed for business, or the place of business was permanently damaged or destroyed.
  5. The worker already started the work but the job was cancelled or postponed to a later date. 
You qualify for the DEAR PRESS! benefit if:
  1. Your scheduled jobs have been suspended or cancelled as a direct result of a major disaster, as declared by the President of the Philippines.
  2. You do not have unemployment insurance benefits from either your employer/ producer, or from any other government agencies (i.e. SSS, DOLE, Local Government, etc.).
  3. You wrote at least one (1) article about the PH showbiz and AV entertainment industry in the last three months that was published in a news publication OR covered at least one FDCP press event last year.
Online Application
Fill out a DEAR PRESS!  Application Form available online at Print the form and fill it up legibly by hand or typed text. Collect all the available documentary requirements and attachments, scan each document and submit online to with the following subject:
e.g. [APPLICATION] DEAR PRESS!(Dela Cruz, Juan)
Hard Copy Application 
For applications during the COVID-19 situation, hard copy applications are discouraged. However, drop boxes for DEAR applications will still be available at the FDCP Office at 855 T.M. Kalaw Street, Ermita, Manila starting March 23, 2020. 
Application Dates
You must file an application within thirty (30) days of the announcement of the activation of the DEAR PROGRAM through an FDCP ADVISORY released online and through mass media channels.
Submission of Documentary Support
Make sure that all documentary requirements are available before lodging your application. However, if further documentary proof cannot be provided when you submit your application, you will have twenty one (21) calendar days from the time your application to meet the requirements. Failure to do this shall forfeit the application or will result to return of the benefit.
Required Documents
  1. Completely filled up National Registry for Entertainment Press (NREP)Application Form 
  2. Completely filled up DEAR PRESS! Application form
  3. Any proof of income:
  • Latest Income Tax Return (ITR)
  • payslips, vouchers
  • Copy of PRESS ID
  1. Certificate of Engagement/ Employment from your news or media publication
  2. Any one of the following:
  • Copy/Link of Latest Showbiz-related Articles written for your publication (January to March 2020)
  • Copy/Link of an FDCP-related article you wrote/reported (2019)
Workers who are employees of private companies regardless of status (regular, contractual, project-based, contract of service, etc.) and are in the regular payroll of said companies and who are entitled to regular employment compensation, waiting period credit, or benefits from SSS, DOLE, DSWD, and other similar government institutions or agencies are NOT eligible for DEAR PRESS!.
If you are an employee (regular, contractual, seasonal, project-based, contract of service etc.) of a company that is affected by a disaster as proclaimed by the President or your local government executive in your area, please refer to the CAMP and TUPAD assistance programs of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), DTI, DOF, SSS or your respective local government.
The DEAR fund is a government fund for your welfare. In the spirit of serving the community and the stakeholder of the film industry, we ask beneficiaries of DEAR PRESS! to commit to rendering return service by participating in at least two (2) FDCP-led or FDCP-supported events, activities, or projects as a volunteer worker or professional, serving in the capacity of your field. The service must be rendered within two (2) years after you receive the DEAR assistance.
For inquiries, please email with the following subject:
e.g. [INQUIRY] DEAR NR (Doc Requirements?)
Forms are downloadable at
  1. DEAR PRESS! Application Form
  2. National Registry for Entertainment Press Application Form
  5. Sample Certificate of Engagement
  6. Latest FDCP Advisory activating DEAR PRESS! PROGRAM

Martes, Marso 24, 2020


Republic of the Philippines
Office of the President
Series of 2020
Pursuant to the Presidential Proclamation No. 922, Series of 2020 declaring a State of Public Health Emergency throughout the Philippines relative to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the FDCP DISASTER/EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE AND RELIEF (DEAR) PROGRAM is hereby activated as of March 23, 2020 with the following guidelines issued:
  1. Definition of Disaster-affected Freelance Audio-Visual Workers. These are audio-visual workers who have become suddenly unemployed or suddenly out of work as a direct result of the COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine and subsequent State of National Calamity and are not eligible for government instituted benefits from other government agencies.
  2. Coverage. The program covers freelancers in the audio-visual industry, with priority to technical crew and production staff on a no-work no pay status, and those that are not formally affiliated with a company with an earning of no more than P 20, 000.00 a month. Program coverage is nationwide.
  3. Conditions. Any one of the following unemployment or loss of work conditions must be satisfied by applying workers as a direct result of the COVID-19 situation:
a. The worker was scheduled to work, but were unable to reach the workplace.
b. The worker was scheduled to start work but the job was cancelled or does not exist anymore.
c. The worker developed an illness, sustained an injury, or became sick and thus, are unable to work.
d. The worker’s employer/ producer has temporarily or permanently closed for business.
  1. Qualifications. Freelance audio-visual workers intending to apply for the DEAR Program must satisfy all of the following qualifications.
    a. The individual must have lost at least seven (7) work days that were scheduled on or after the declared date of the disaster. For the COVID-19 situation, March 15-April 14, 2020 is the duration of the Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon.
    b. The individual’s employment/scheduled jobs must have been suspended or cancelled as a direct result of the COVID-19 situation
    c. The individual must not have unemployment insurance benefits from either his/her employer/ producer, or from any other government agencies (e.g. SSS, DOLE, Local Government, etc.).
    d. The individual must earn no more than P 20,000 a month.
  2. Benefit Payment. Approved beneficiaries of the DEAR Program for Freelance AV Workers will receive a one time cash financial assistance of Eight Thousand Pesos (P 8, 000) tax free to cover expenses during the disaster period, like personal needs, medical expenses, housing and rent, and other essentials. The beneficiaries will be required to sign a Declaration and Agreement with FDCP agreeing and abiding to all the terms of the Program and certifying that all details of the application and documents submitted are factual and authentic.
  3. Application Process. Relative to the COVID-19 situation, applications may be submitted to FDCP from March 23 – April 23, 2020 or within 30 days of the activation of the DEAR Program through this Advisory. Online submissions via email to are preferable and hard copy applications are discouraged. However, drop boxes for DEAR applications will still be available at the FDCP Office at 855 T.M. Kalaw Street, Ermita, Manila starting March 23, 2020.
  4. Documentary Requirements. Freelance audio-visual workers who intend to apply are required to substantiate loss of employment or self-employment or to substantiate work that was to begin on or after the declared date of the disaster. The following documents shall be submitted by each applicant:
  • Copy of current membership to National Registry for Audio-Visual Workers (NRAW). For non-members, NRAW membership applications (which will be automatically approved after the DEAR Application is approved.
  • Filled out DEAR for Displaced Freelance AV Workers Application Form
  • Affidavit of Unemployment (Template downloadable at the website)
  • Copy of Latest ITR or any proof of income (e.g. latest 3-4 payslips)
  • Proof of Engagement/s
    • e.g. Call Sheet, Contract of Service, Certificate of Engagement/s, or any Certification duly signed by the Employer/Producer
  • Evidence of Unemployment
    • e.g. Emails regarding suspension of work, Proof of cancellation, etc.
       If documentary proof cannot be provided at the time the claim is filed, applicants have twenty one (21) calendar days from the time of application to submit the complete documents.
  1. Disbursement of Financial Support. The concerned FDCP personnel shall issue the financial support directly to the affected worker’s bank account or via available money remittance services at the soonest possible time upon the approval of the application
  2. Effectivity. The DEAR Program for Freelance AV Workers shall be effective on 23 March 2020 upon its publication. Applications will be open from March 23- April 23, 2020.

                                               “Prayer for Frontliners” 

May kurot sa puso ang “Prayer for Frontliners” na napanuod namin sa Facebook page ng GMA News and Public Affairs. Binigyang-boses ng nasabing post ang dalangin ng marami sa atin para sa mga frontliner na patuloy na hinaharap ang panganib upang matulungan ang mga taong nag-positibo sa COVID-19 at maiwasan ang lalong pagkalat pa ng virus. Wala pa mang 1 araw mula nang i-post ang nasabing prayer ay mayroong halos 800k views at 48k likes na ito. Sa higit 5k comments, makikita ang pagdarasal din ng netizens para sa mga itinuturing na bayani sa laban kontra COVID-19. Lubos ang pasasalamat natin sa sakripisyo ng mga frontliner na hindi man natin lahat makikilala at malalaman ang mga pangalan, nawa’y sa pamamagitan ng ating panalangin ay mabigyan natin sila ng lakas ng loob sa bawat araw na kinakailangan nila sa pagharap sa kanilang tungkulin. Dasal nating lahat na maprotektahan ang mga frontliner na may mga pamilya ring naghihintay na makabalik silang buhay at ligtas pagkatapos ng krisis na ito. At sa mga nagbuwis ng kanilang buhay, hatid natin ang taos-pusong pasasalamat sa kanilang serbisyo at ang pakikiramay sa kanilang mga naulila. Tunay silang mga bayani. Sa panahon ngang ito na lahat tayo ay umaasa na malalagpasan ang krisis na dulot ng COVID-19, malaking tulong ang  panalangin upang palakasin ang loob ng bawat isa. 

Sabado, Marso 21, 2020

Abs Cbn nangangalap ng donasyon

James Reid: Minalas nang mawala si Nadine!

GMA Updates on various Kapuso shows and artists

Encantadia, trending ang pagbabalik sa GMA Telebabad!

Tila sobrang na-miss ng buong sambayanan ang ground-breaking telefantasya ng GMA na ‘Encantadia’ nang mag-trend ito first spot sa Twitter sa unang araw nang pagbabalik-telebisyon nito noong Huwebes bilang pansamantalang kapalit ng Pinoy adaptation ng Descendants of the Sun sa Telebabad block. Hindi maitago ng mga die-hard fans ng naturang show o tinaguriang Encantadiks ang kanilang excitement sa muling pag-ere ng Encantadia. "#Encantadia has already made its mark in Philippine TV capturing the heart and mind of Filipinos. Indeed, Super Classic. Best storyline. A teleserye which can be retold every decade,” saad ng netizen na si Mark Neil. Bumuhos din ang mga tweets na nagsasabing manatili na lang sa kanilang mga tahanan sa panahon ngayon ng enhanced community quarantine at manood ng Encantadia. Hindi lang netizens at Encantadiks ang natuwa sa muling pagbabalik ng Encantadia, dahil maging ang mga San’gres na sina Kylie Padilla, Gabbi Garcia, Sanya Lopez, at Glaiza de Castro ay nag-post din sa kani-kanilang Instagram accounts ng labis na saya sa pagbabalik ng pinagbidahang classic telefantasya. Sundan muli ang kwento ng Encantadia na mapapanood tuwing gabi pagkatapos ng 24 Oras sa GMA Telebabad. 

Kate Valdez, nasa TikTok na rin!

Habang stop muna sa taping n GMA series na Anak Ni Waray Vs. Anak Ni Biday na pinagbibidahan nila ni Kapuso Primetime Princess Barbie Forteza, inaaliw muna ni Kate Valdez ang kanyang sarili sa sikat ngayong social media app na TikTok. Dahil bago pa lang sa TikTok, ang kapatid daw nito na si Karen ang nagturo ng dance moves sa viral song ni Justin Bieber na Yummy. Pinuri naman ng netizens ang tinatagong galing ng Kapuso actress sa pagsasayaw, “Ang galing naman sumayaw ni Caitlyn este Kate pala.” Biro pa ng TikTok user na si Irish dela Cruz, “Sana all magaling sumayaw.” Bukod sa dancing, hinahangaan din si Kate sa husay nitong gumanap bilang ang Biday na si Caitlyn sa serye nila ni Barbie na gumaganap naman bilang ang Waray na si Ginalyn. Sa tuluyang pagkakasira ng kanilang friendship dahil kay Cocoy (Migo Adecer), history repeats itself nga ba kagaya ng nangyari sa kanilang mga nanay? At sa pagbabalik ni Joaquin sa buhay nina Sussie (Dina Bonnevie) at Amy (Snooky Serna), masiwalat na nga kaya ang lihim ng nakaraan? Sundan sa Anak Ni Waray Vs. Anak Ni Biday na pansamantalang papalitan ng Kambal, Karibal pagkatapos ng Encantadia Season 2 na pumalit naman sa Descendants of the Sun tuwing gabi sa GMA Telebabad.

Mikael, biniro si Megan

Aliw naman ang mga netizens sa ginawang pag-edit ni Love of my Life star Mikael Daez sa litrato nila ng asawa nitong si Legal Wives star Megan Young na magkayakap. Imbes kasi na mukha ni Mikael ay inedit niya ito at pinalitan ng mukha ng sikat na pool player na si Efren Bata Reyes na ayon sa kanya ay lolo raw talaga ni Megan. Ang Instagram username kasi ni Megan ay @meganbata na tagalog ng apelyido nitong Young. “Because a lot of you are asking, 'eto na po ang pruweba kung sino ang lolo ni @meganbata,” sabi ni Mikael sa kanyang caption. Dagdag pa nito ay super sweet pa raw ng dalawa. Pahabol naman ni Mikael ay katuwaan lang daw ang litrato at may pasingit pa na nakakatuwang hashtag na #MasakitMatamaanNgBilliardBall. Bumuhos naman nakakatawang comments ng netizens sa photo edit ni Mikael na tinanong pa ang Kapuso actor, “Bored ka na ba kuya? HAHAHA!” Samantala, mapapanood si Mikael bilang si Nikolai sa top-rating GMA series na Love of my Life. Sa pagkakasiwalat na kay Kelly (Rhian Ramos) ang natagpuang red underwear sa kwarto ni Nikolai, ito na nga ba ang simula nang pagkakamabutihan ng dalawa? Ang pagdadalang-tao nga kaya ni Adelle (Carla Abellana) ang susi sa pagkakaayos nila ng biyenan nitong si Isabella (Coney Reyes). Sundan ang Love of my Life na pansamantalang papalitan ng My Husband’s Lover pagkatapos ng Anak Ni Waray Vs. Anak Ni Biday na pinalitan naman ng Kambal, Karibal sa GMA Telebabad.

Derek Ramsay, may ibang kayakap ‘pag wala si Andrea

Tuwing wala raw ang girlfriend nitong si Andrea Torres, inamin ni Kapuso hunk actor Derek Ramsay na iba ang niyayakap nito. Ang tinutukoy ni Derek ay ang mahabang unan nito na mula sa Japan na kung tawagin ay athlete’s pole, hinihigaan daw niya ito upang makatulong sa pag-align ng spine at pag-strengthen ng kanyang core. "Ito ang aking kabit. You might be wondering what this is. Kapag wala si Andrea, ito ang aking baby," biro pa ni Derek. Sa kanyang Youtube video ay ibinahagi ni Derek ang mga bagay na hindi niya raw kakayaning mabuhay ng wala gaya ng car keys at necklace na bigay ng nobya nitong si Andrea. Pansin naman ng viewers ang kakaibang glow daw ni Derek simula nang maging sila ni Andrea, “You look so happy with Andrea! I haven’t seen you proud of a girlfriend except for this time! Goodluck!” Samantala, magbabalik-telebisyon ang AndRek sa GMA series na Sanggang Dikit na maaksyon daw taliwas sa huli nilang pinagbidahang serye na The Better Woman. 

Lovi Poe, nag-share ng tips paano maaaliw sa bahay

Nagbahagi ng tips sa kanyang Instagram followers si Kapuso star Lovi Poe kung paano gagawing makabuluhan ang pagpalipas ng oras sa kani-kanilang tahanan sa panahon ngayong ng enhanced community quarantine. Ayon kay Lovi, panahon na raw ito upang linisin ang makalat na gallery ng ating mga cellphone, magbasa ng libro na matagal nang isinasantabi, gumawa ng smoothies at mga masustansiyang inumin, linisin anga ating mga damitan, at makipaglaro sa ating mga alagang pets na siguradong pampatagal anxiety din. Sa huli, pinaalalahanan din ni Lovi ang lahat na mag-ingat sa panahon ngayon na may lumalaganap na sakit. Hindi rin nakalimutan ng magandang aktres na pasalamatan at ipagdasal ang mga frontliners na patuloy na nakikipaglaban sa pandemic na ito, "We're lucky we get to stay at the comfort of our homes while they're making a huge act of love for everyone with their selflessness and service."
Samantala, mapapanood si Lovi sa upcoming romance-comedy ng GMA Public Affairs na Owe My Love kung saan katambal niya si Benjamin Alves kasama rin ang kwela at star-studded cast na kinabibilangan nina Aiai Delas Alas, Leo Martinez, Winwyn Marquez, Nova Villa and Ruby Rodriguez, Jackie Lou Blanco at marami pang iba.

Sa isang IG TV video ay nagpaabot ng taos-pusong pasasalamat ang multi-awarded comedian at content creator na si Michael V. sa frontliners, kabilang na ang mga doktor, nurse, hospital staff, pulis, military personnel, at civilian volunteers. Aniya, "Walang ibang makakagawa nang ginagawa ninyo kundi kayo, and for that I thank you. Ang buong bansa malaki ang utang na loob sa inyo, and we will continue to pray for your safety dahil literal na nakasalalay ang buhay ng ating mga kababayan sa mga kamay ninyo. At this point, part na kayo ng history as heroes dito sa fight against the coronavirus. Stay safe and may God bless us all."
Sinundan niya ito ng mga mensahe mula sa mga kasamahan niya sa Bubble Gang at Pepito Manaloto tulad nina Direk Bert De Leon, Kim Domingo,  Antonio Aquitania, Joyce Ching, Betong Sumaya, Maureen Larrazabal, Archie Alemania, Denise Barbacena, Janna Dominguez, Mikoy Morales, Arny Ross, Mosang, Valeen Montenegro, John Feir, Chariz Solomon, at Manilyn Reynes, na nagpaabot rin ng kanilang pagmamalasakit sa lahat ng frontliners.

Kyline Alcantara, nagpaalala sa netizens

Kahit nasa bahay lang, minabuti ng ‘Bilangin Ang Bituin Sa Langit’ actress na si Kyline Alcantara na ipagpatuloy ang health regimen niya. Sey niya, “Eating healthy to boost your immune system is really important these days kaya naman eating your veggies and healthy food is a must. Mas mura na, mas makakatulong pa sa kalusugan natin.”
Bukod sa healthy na pagkain, tuloy rin ang home workout ng aktres. Nagpaalala rin si Kyline na para sa mga gagamit ng gym equipment sa bahay, siguraduhing i-sanitize ang mga ito bago at pagkatapos gamitin.
Samantala, kasalukuyan ring napapanood si Kyline sa ‘Kambal, Karibal’, gabi-gabi sa GMA Telebabad pagkatapos ng Encantadia.

Bubble Gang sketch nina Faye Lorenzo at Archie Alemania, umani ng six million views!
Bentang-benta sa netizens ang 'Imaginary Son' sketch nina Faye Lorenzo at Archie Alemania sa Kapuso gag show na Bubble Gang. Mayroon na itong mahigit sa six million views sa YouTube. Hindi mapigilan ng netizens na matawa sa kulit scene kung saan hindi malaman ng karakter ni Faye na isang kasambahay kung paano aalagaan ang imaginary son ng karakter ni Archie.
Mapapanood ang nakaka-good vibes at trending na 'Imaginary Son' sketch ng Bubble Gang sa YouTube channel ng GMA Network.

Kapuso stars, naghahatid ng inspirasyon sa pamamagitan ng musika

Tuluy-tuloy lamang ang paghahatid ng inspirasyon ng GMA Artist Center stars sa mga apektado ng COVID-19 sa pamamagitan ng online concert na #HealingHearts. Bawat araw, nagpo-post ng live videos ang mga Kapuso artists sa kanilang social media accounts kung saan sila nag-aalay ng mga kanta at nagbibigay ng mensahe sa kanilang fans. Ilan sa mga nag-live video na ay sina Kristoffer Martin, Myrtle Sarrosa, Sofia Pablo, at marami pang iba. Tutok lamang sa social media accounts ng GMA Artist Center upang malaman kung sino sa inyong mga idolo ang dapat ninyong abangan. 

Benedict Cua, nagbahagi ng mahahalagang impormasyon tungkol sa COVID-19
Nagbahagi ang 'Anak Ni Waray Vs. Anak Ni Biday' actor Benedict Cua ng ilang mahahalagang impormasyon tungkol sa COVID-19. Sa kanyang latest vlog, kasama ni Benedict ang kanyang younger brother na si Jerry Cua na isang licensed doctor. Isa sa mga pinag-usapan at binigyang-linaw ng magkapatid ang ibig sabihin ng medical term na "asymptomatic.” Ani Dr. Jerry, "You are infected pero dinadala mo lang siya, you are just a carrier.” Ayon pa sa kanya, napag-alaman pa sa mga ginawang test sa South Korea na marami doon na edad 20-29 years old ang asymptomatic. Ipinaliwanag din ni Dr. Cua kung paano nakaka-recover ang isang tao kapag tinamaan ng COVID-19.Paliwanag niya, "Like any viral illness, 'yung katawan natin kayang labanan 'yun. Hindi siya tulad ng bacterial infection na kailangan natin ng mga antibiotics. Pinaka common natin is common flu, common colds, those are usually viral. Samantala, habang naka-season break ang Anak ni Waray vs Anak ni Biday, pansamantalang napapanood sa timeslot nito ang primetime series na Kambal, Karibal. Mag-ingat po tayong lahat, mga Kapuso.

Katrina, happy at thankful sa patuloy na tagumpay ng Prima Donnas  

Masaya at proud si Katrina Halili sa patuloy na tagumpay ng Prima Donnas sa GMA Afternoon Prime. Bukod sa patuloy na pag-arangkada sa TV ratings, parami ng parami ang nahu-hook sa serye na napapanood mula Lunes hanggang Sabado sa GMA. “Sobrang proud kami sa Prima Donnas na hindi naming ineexpect na ganun kami tatangkilikin at nagkaron pa ng Saturday airing,“ani Katrina. Dagdag pa ng Kapuso actress, mas marami pang dapat abangan sa serye na dapat pakatutukan ng loyal viewers ng serye. “Marami pa po silang dapat abangan. Marami pang tanong ang walang kasagutan. Kung sino ba talaga si Ruben (James Blanco), sino ang pamilya ni Mayi (Jillian Ward), anong mangyayari kay Lilian ngayon nalaman niya na si Kendra (Aiko Melendez) ang mastermind sa lahat ng kaguluhan sa kanila at sa pamilya Claveria.” At dahil naka-season break ang Prima Donnas, pansamantala munang mapapanood ang Ika-6 Na Utos sa timelost nito sa GMA.